Email solution

Many web hosting companies offer cheap DIY email services but have limited resources to provide support & some DO NOT provide any support due to cheap fee. We are totally different; We will manage your mail server and take the responsibility to make sure that your mail server works poperly. We will handle any email issue or complaints and provide you withthe highest level of technical support.


We have seen many companies that DO NOT have an in house IT specialist (specializing in Mail Exchange) for troubleshooting email issue when needed. Most employee has to use their personal Yahoo or Gmail to carry out their work. That will seriously damage your corporate image. How can your client accept a quotation or commitment from a unknown yahoo users?

If you are one of those companies, then you have found a correct place to start.

Many of our clients employ us to design, deploy and manage their Email System.

Today’s Email System requires administrator with real experiences and knowledge. It is not just installing the mailing software from a CD.

High-end Email System that allows Push Mail and requires highly effective anti-spam & protection system.
Email messages can be share on a folder, manager can assign task to employee, share calendar and common address book. This will certainly improve the efficiency for your company.

Contact us at +848 4102070 if you like to improve your current system.

We guarantee you the result.

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System & network consultation

IT SHOP™ will provide you with up to date information regarding asset registers, licenses and system documentation etc.

Telephone & PABX system

We can be your source for advanced phone systems & communications solutions

Email solution

Network system